Who gets Bullied at Work? The role of Emotion Stability, Psychological Flexibility, and Coping in Workplace Bullying.

Abstract Bullying costs individuals and their workplace a great deal. Considerable research has been conducted to explore the incidence and prevalence of bullying in the workplace and the negative consequences to individuals and organizations (Rammsayer, Stahl, & Schmiga, 2006). Few studies, however, have considered the individual characteristics of adults who are bullied in the workplace […]

Is Awareness of Suicide Risk and Intent Culturally Informed? A Comparison between Australia and Brazil.

Abstract Few studies have considered how suicide is perceived and impacted by stigma across cultures. A sample of 478 participants from Australia and Brazil was used to investigate cross-cultural perceptions of suicide and the impact of stigma on the recognition of suicide risk in others. The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide framed a mixed method within […]