Conversational Boundaries: Are you Stonewalling?

By The Raquel Peel Editorial Team

Are you causing conflict in your relationship by not being emotionally available for serious conversations? Being aware that you may be stonewalling when it comes time to have a conversation allows you to actively participate in the growth and development of your relationship through quality conversations.

Understanding you need to set boundaries over just walking away or cutting yourself off may help you to not to get overwhelmed or resentful in a situation.

Anna Aslanian, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, discuss this issue over at the Gottman Institute. She examines the issue of difficult conversations that can lead to flooding and the steps to remain calm while staying present for yourself and your partner.

Image from the article found at the website

Here is a snippet of Anna Aslanian's article. To read the full article, please click on the link below.

Difficult conversations can lead to flooding. Learn how to set conversational boundaries without stonewalling. During stressful times, it can be challenging to have conversations with friends and family about sensitive topics without getting uncomfortable.

Think about the last time you had a difficult conversation that upset you. Did you want to just leave? Did you feel that you needed to control yourself from saying what you truly felt?  Did you choose not to respond? To shut down?  Did you want to avoid a fight, but then felt resentful? Did you blow up and say things that you later wished you could take back? 

The article goes into ways to self-sooth and how to manage stressful conversations without stonewalling.


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