The Romantic Self-Saboteur: How do people sabotage love?

Abstract There is a distinct lack of knowledge to explain why some people, having successfully initiated a relationship, embark upon a path to certain dissolution of that engagement. Research looking at self-sabotage provides some answers. However, no measure exists to test self-sabotage in romantic relationships. This study investigated key self-sabotaging behaviours implemented in romantic relationships […]

What do psychologists have to say about self-sabotage in romantic relationships?

Abstract The term self-sabotage is not well explained in current relationship literature. Self-sabotage is thus far explained mainly as a physical barrier (i.e., derived from the effects of alcohol consumption or high level of stress; Jones & Berglas, 1978; Rhodewalt, 2008) which does not fully encompass intrinsic behaviours. In romantic relationships, the term self-sabotage is […]

Community engaged GP training. Does it make a difference?

Abstract Much effort and funding is spent on GP training in Australia but there is little data on how GP training in rural and remote areas impacts communities. Since 2001, the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program has required at least 50% of general practice training to occur in rural areas despite lack of information […]

Insight into rural and remote GP training and supervision in Queensland

Abstract Many rural and remote communities are struggling to attract and retain GPs while experiencing poorer population health outcomes and burden of disease. Therefore, the provision of a reliable rural GP workforce is vital. Registered Training Organisations provide high quality training experiences for GP registrars. A collaborative project between JCU and Monash University aimed to […]

How is self-sabotage presented in romantic relationships?

Abstract The aim of this paper is to present an integrated review exploring the theme of self-sabotage in romantic relationships. Self-sabotage or self-handicapping is a cognitive strategy employed by individuals as self-protection; primarily aimed at preserving self-esteem and self-image. When faced with failure, the individual can justify the outcome as due to the handicap itself […]

Who gets Bullied at Work? The role of Emotion Stability, Psychological Flexibility, and Coping in Workplace Bullying.

Abstract Bullying costs individuals and their workplace a great deal. Considerable research has been conducted to explore the incidence and prevalence of bullying in the workplace and the negative consequences to individuals and organizations (Rammsayer, Stahl, & Schmiga, 2006). Few studies, however, have considered the individual characteristics of adults who are bullied in the workplace […]

Is Awareness of Suicide Risk and Intent Culturally Informed? A Comparison between Australia and Brazil.

Abstract Few studies have considered how suicide is perceived and impacted by stigma across cultures. A sample of 478 participants from Australia and Brazil was used to investigate cross-cultural perceptions of suicide and the impact of stigma on the recognition of suicide risk in others. The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide framed a mixed method within […]