How is self-sabotage presented in romantic relationships?

Abstract The aim of this paper is to present an integrated review exploring the theme of self-sabotage in romantic relationships. Self-sabotage or self-handicapping is a cognitive strategy employed by individuals as self-protection; primarily aimed at preserving self-esteem and self-image. When faced with failure, the individual can justify the outcome as due to the handicap itself […]

Comparing the effect of stigma on the recognition of suicide risk in others between Australia and Brazil.

Abstract Few studies have considered how suicide is perceived and impacted by stigma across cultures. A sample of 478 participants from Australia and Brazil was used to investigate cross-cultural perceptions of suicide and the impact of stigma on the recognition of suicide risk in others. The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide framed a mixed method within […]

What makes someone more likely to be bullied at work and how companies can help them.

By Raquel Peel 5 March, 2018. Retrieved from The Conversation Being bullied as a child, being female, young, and neurotic are significant predictors of whether you might be bullied in the workplace, our online anonymous survey shows. Our team investigated the personality traits and coping styles of workplace bullying victims which might contribute to their […]

Relationship sabotage is a rarely studied phenomenon, but now researchers look for answers.

ABC News. (2018, February 17th). Relationship sabotage is a rarely studied phenomenon, but now researchers look for answers. Retrieved from ABC Far North By Anna Hartley Updated 17 Feb 2018, 7:39am Are you someone that pulls the plug on a relationship when things start to get serious no matter how ‘perfect’ your potential partner […]

Reasons Why We Should Be Talking About Suicide.

Reasons Why We Should Be Talking About Suicide.

4 May, 2017. Retrieved from PsychReg Why is the new Netflix TV series 13 Reasons Why causing such a heated conversation? The reason is simple: We are talking about suicide! Although suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, especially among 15-19-years-old, it remains a taboo – controversial and largely misunderstood. According to the […]