The Guardian: The relationship sabotage scale, quantifying why we undermine ourselves in love

Story found on The Guardian Written by Janet Stone 11 October 2021 This article discusses the Relationship Sabotage Scale developed by a team led by Dr Raquel Peel. The Relationship Sabotage Scale, published on 19 September in BMC Psychology, aims to empirically measure romantic self-sabotage (a term more often bandied about in popular culture) in romantic […]

We accept the love we think we deserve and it shows.

My boyfriend treats me like a queen, that’s why I’m breaking up with him. Story found on East Coast Radio, Umhlanga, South Africa Written by Stacey and J Sbu 15 September 2021 In this article, Stacey and J Sbu discuss how we accept the love we think we deserve and it shows. Here is an […]

5 Reasons Why Some People Keep Sabotaging Their Relationships

Story found on Psychology Today Written by Arash Emamzadeh 20 August 2021 In this article, Arash Emamzadeh discusses Dr Raquel Peel’s research to explain the 5 reasons why some people keep sabotaging their relationships. Here is an excerpt: New research by Peel and Caltabiano, published in the most recent issue of the quarterly journal, Journal […]

Why we really self-sabotage in relationships

Story found on MSN Entertainment Written by  Maddison Leach 23 November 2021 This article discusses “self-sabotage” in romantic relationships and the fact that many of us are not sure what it looks like. Here is an excerpt: We often hear the phrase “self-sabotage” when talking about dating and relationships, but the fact of the matter […]

Why We Sabotage Our Romantic Relationships and How to Prevent Destructive Behaviour

Story found on Lifehacker Written by Stephanie Nuzzo 7 Sept 2021 In this article, Stephanie discusses people’s tendency to set their love lives alight, for no apparent reason. Here is a excerpt: As our many explorations of love and relationships suggest, romance is rarely simple. People are complicated and messy and confusing – and oftentimes, […]

Love (and sex) in the time of COVID-19.

This story looks at how the pandemic has changed the way we pursue love and sex. And what might that mean in the longer term. Story found on Medical Republic Story written by Lydia Hales 15 December 2020 In this article Dr Raquel Peel talks about how fear is the biggest barrier to romantic commitment. […]

Separation anxiety: Are we anxious about leaving home once lockdown is over?

Separation anxiety is a common feeling that stems from developing an emotional attachment to something and then not wanting to give it away. by Emma Sullivan 5 October, 2020 Retrieved from The Beat With our daily case numbers lowering at a steady rate, there’s hope on the horizon and while it’s hard to remember what […]

Are You Dreading going back to the workplace?

You might be feeling separation anxiety from your home.  Written by Raquel Peel Team 11 September, 2020. Retrieved from The Conversation As some of us return to the workplace or are planning to do so in the future, we face the challenges of a changing environment of social distancing rules and restrictions. It might be […]

Rebuilding relationships impacted by pandemic

A RECENT survey from Relationships Australia revealed that a large percentage of people felt their romantic relationships were negatively impacted by coronavirus. Story by Cassandra Glover 9 June, 2020. Retrieved from The Chronicle Subscriber only Psychology and counselling lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland Raquel Peel said the survey showed 55 per cent of […]

Singles turn to digital love in time of isolation.

It would seem the last thing anyone would be doing during COVID-19 isolation is setting up a dating profile, but according to new data, dating apps experienced a surge in users. Story by Samtui Selave 15 May, 2020. Retrieved from The Queensland Times In April the average number of messages sent daily across dating apps […]